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Keshet Shenkar

Congrats on the pubs and hope you feel better soon!


yay for getting published!
yeah it is a weird time of year but hang in there and cheer up...we have to have the down times to truly appreciate the upbeat and exciting ones.
i am off to check out the 7 gypsies post.


I LOVE your happy book! I soo want to make one of these NOW. Must. Gather. Supplies. And, the planner idea is brilliant - thanks for sharing. I can totally relate to your funk. I too go through these periods of funk myself. Hang in there and be gentle on yourself, brighter skies are ahead~

Jennifer Kolakowski

Hi Kate,
Love, love your 7 Gypsies spin of happy! As for the funk, here are some things that help me for those times, new playlist/music, new recipes, quiet time alone, time to create, EXERCISE, enough sleep and Starbucks :). And sometimes, it's just a matter of does always pass and sometimes I think when you're out of the funk, you're that much more grateful and creative for having been through it. CONGRATS on the published work!!

Sherry Williams

hi kate. i lived in olympia wa for three years...i had MANY of those feelin kinda down days...for me a lot of it was the dark skies and rainy days. i am just a sunshine kinda girl (born&raised in san diego) and i realized that besides any daily life struggle, i noticed the weather up there really did determine how i felt. one thing i tried to do, was take a peek outside everyday and its green beauty- because despite the glooms, it is a beautiful place with fresh air!! Maybe that will help you too. :) good luck with everything.

Kate O'Brien

thank you sooooo much for your comments ladies! i loved reading them!


Head up girl you inspire so many people. Love the creating just cuz. That book you loaded on FB is BOMB.

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