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i so understand what you mean about awareness. i just recently started counseling and for the first time i feel like i have A LOT of clarity about who I am and why I do what I do (especially in the area of relationships). learning to change courses and blaze a better trail for myself (so hard). love seeing your layouts as always and loving this creative streak... hope it rubs off on me!

Jessi W

Well, I am glad you are on a creative streak, b/c I love seeing your work. So honest, and real and beautiful!


i just recently found your blog. missed your entries from your "my journey" blog. we have a lot in common and i so relate to what you wrote about today. (except that i'm still in that place of beating myself up for past mistakes and struggling to let go and allow myself to move on). it's a hard road and i'm glad to catch up with you and see that you are in a better place. wishing you happiness.

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